We all love cookies, but if they are no bake at all, they are way better! These cookies are super chocolate-ly and they take no time at all to prep.  Best part? You need to chill them in the fridge instead of baking, which means you can use this recipe for a party and prepareContinueContinue reading “CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER NO-BAKE COOKIES”

Homemade Taco Seasoning/Sason para Tacos Hecho en Casa

Holy seasonings! Have you notice how much chemicals one envelope of seasoning can have? They might seem harmless but imagine a bunch of non organics spices mix all together and on top of it with added artificial colorings, flavors and other chemicals to make them last.  Some of them contain dairy, butter, canola oil, palmContinueContinue reading “Homemade Taco Seasoning/Sason para Tacos Hecho en Casa”

Red Wine Vinegar Salad Dressing/Aderezo de Vinagre de Vino Tinto para Ensaladas

It is very important to make your own dressing on the time to make more healthy dishes.  Already made dressings that you get on the grocery store have a bunch of toxins and preservatives, lets be smart here, if the dressing has been there for days, weeks or months obviosly there are some chemicals inContinueContinue reading “Red Wine Vinegar Salad Dressing/Aderezo de Vinagre de Vino Tinto para Ensaladas”